Sunday, August 16, 2009

More iPhone art

Done with the Brushes program on my iPhone. This program forces me to think differently about how I plan and execute a drawing. Great exercise, great fun.


  1. Hi Peter,

    How specifically do you have to think differently about how you plan and execute a drawing? What does the Brushes program require you to do that's not your usual approach?

    - Ted Colburn

  2. Hey Ted,

    In some ways, I work backwards to my usual method. Normally I start with the foreground of a drawing and do the background last. With the Brushes program it's best to work from the bottom up. Also because the images are small, I find myself using proportionally larger masses of tone, and heavier black lines. Likewise drawing techniques like cross-hatching are tedious to execute and not very effective at these small sizes.


  3. Interesting... Thanks!

    - Ted
